In Remembrance

Its quickly approaching the 2nd anniversary of the day my husband, Mark left this world for a better one.  In honor of him and the wonderful life we had; I’m releasing this poem that I wrote the year we got married.

My Garden, My Life

Almost one third of my life I lived in winter.  Spring came once but quickly turned to cool fall.

Many years passed without sunshine then I realized it was time to move on to a warmer climate where friends and family came through, where on one bright summer evening I met you.

The flowers in my garden all began to bloom. Where dead leaves laid, green came through. Where clouds covered my dreams, the sunshine appeared with bright dreams of a new beginning with you.

In the Summer of my new life, I’ll fill my garden with flowers.  I’ll nurture and protect them with my whole being.  I’ll direct my seedlings toward the sun and brace them for the winter to come.  I’ll preserve what I can to relish in for years to come, to show our loved ones all we have done.

Although the future may be short for our earthly garden in the sun, we must make each day special because we are a special One.

By Sally Stierhoff, 1986

 If you knew Mark, send God a praise for his life.  If you didn’t, send God a praise that He put him in mine.  Praise God for the people in your life and the ones that have passed.  I’m sure the Lord would love to hear your gratitude for the miracle of their lives from your own lips.

Although I grieve, I will always say that it is better to have loved and lost then to never have had the opportunity to love and be loved in the first place.  Life really is precious and short, please make the most of every day with the people in your life.

God Bless

Love to all,



2 Comments on “In Remembrance”

  1. Oh Sally, I’m sending up praises for Mark’s life and the love that you two shared. It was so beautiful! God truly blessed you. Sending hugs!

  2. Remembering all the wonderful times with you and Mark, knowing him was a true blessing. Your were so loved by him. Hugs

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