Joy Killers

Joy is described as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.  Isn’t that what every person wants?  But where does real joy come from and what are joy killers?

I believe real-long lasting joy cannot be contrived because it comes from the Lord, the creator of joy and everything that is good and beautiful.  Did you know that joy is listed in the NIV version of the Bible 218 times?  Joy is important to the Lord because He loves us, but on earth, our enemy, the devil, loves to cause havoc in our lives creating joy killers.

Here are some joy killers I came up with, but I know you can add many more: pain, offense, anger, frustration, illness, addiction, sin, fear, anxiety, unforgiveness, materialism, regret, shame, consequences and grief.

We all go through many of the things I listed above, and yes, at times these joy killers steal every ounce of it from us.  This makes it hard to enjoy life, and sometimes it is even difficult to get through the day.  How do we overcome these obstacles and find the peace and joy we long for?

We first establish a relationship with the Lord by asking Him to be our Lord and Savior then we pray. Psalm 86:4 Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.  And pray, Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us (me) in the morning with your unfailing love, that we (I) may sing for joy and be glad all our (my) days.

In pain, illness or grief I found that making myself list things I was grateful for and thanking God for them, switched my negative focus into a more positive one.  Having a grateful heart before the Lord brought the joy of the Lord back into my existence.

Note: I know I have written about some parts of this before, but I write what the Lord puts on my heart each week.  Maybe it’s because there is something in this blog that is meant for someone this week.  I try to just follow His lead.

Maybe things are pretty bad right now, be grateful and begin to praying prayers thanking the Lord for your future, how He will help you recover and get you through these things.

Acts 2:28 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.

Nehemiah 8:10b Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

The very fact that the joy of Lord IS our strength, needs to get into every cell of our body and mind.  We ask for it, we believe He can give it, and we receive it.  This joy, this strength, gets us through all the joy stealers-joy killers-and party crashers- that come to destroy every sense of stability and fulfillment we long to have.

Again, as in a few blogs ago, pray Psalm 51:110-12. I also recommend you find a faithful friend that shares your beliefs and can pray for you and be a sounding board.  They are God’s hands and feet in this world, sent to come to your rescue.  Accept them as God’s gift to you.

There is joy in obedience not out of a begrudging obligation, but out of love and respect for the Lord. Psalm 19:8 The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.  The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.

 May you wear the joy of the Lord around your neck, close to your heart like a precious necklace, protecting it like a family heirloom.

Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life.


Lord, Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plant to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, so Lord, I thank you in advance for the healing, for the day I grieve no more, for the day doors open up for me and for the day my consequences end or these difficult times are over.  Give me wisdom, tell me what I need to know and how to proceed.  I thank you Lord for all you have blessed me with.  You are a good, good Father and I trust you with my life and my future. Now bring joy to your servant Lord, satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love so I may sing for joy and be glad all my days. In Jesus name, Amen

God Bless



1 Comments on “Joy Killers”

  1. Oh Sally! I needed this blog so badly! Thank you for your clarity! It’s so hard with the chaos of life to see the Lord’s blessings and reassurances. Love you!

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