Powerful Ways to Pray

Some make ask, “why do people pray?” I believe we pray because of need.  Not just our daily needs or when we are in a situation where we really need God’s help, but we pray to fill that hole inside us that God put there so that we will need Him.   Without filling that hole with God, we will never be whole and complete.  There will always be something missing. 

Prayer is only talking to the Lord by way of His Holy Spirit.  There is no secret to it.  Just as you talk to a friend, you can talk to the Lord. Pray Jesus into your life.  Fill that hole and begin a daily prayer time with Him. 

So how do we pray powerfully?  Let’s start this verse from Hebrews.

Hebrews 6:18-19 (NLT) So God has given both his promise and his oath.  These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie.  Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.  This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.  It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.

A very powerful way to pray is to pray His word, the Bible.  Hebrews says, God has given His promise and oath (in the Bible) and it is impossible for God to lie.  For those of us that believe and go to Him in prayer, we can have great confidence and hope in our future.  This hope is our anchor, this faith and hope we have when we pray, leads us into God’s inner sanctuary.

 Because there are endless verses on every subject in the Bible, we can easily pray powerful prayers using His word.  Here is an example: “Lord your word says, (put in a Bible verse) and I stand on your word and I believe what it says.” Then go on with your prayer.  

Another very powerful way to pray, is to pray for a person while you are with them.  When you do that, the Holy Spirit moves mightily in that pray time touching the heart of the person you are praying for.  It’s been my experience that many people are touched more by this than any other act of kindness.  Many say, “no one has ever asked to pray for me before.”  They are often visibly moved.  In Revive Ohio outreaches, when we go out on the streets to meet people we ask, “How can I pray for you today?” It’s simply awesome.

This is what God laid on my heart this week to share.  Just know and remember, God acts on our behalf BECAUSE WE PRAY!   So, pray on you all!

“God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” – John Wesley


Lord, it always amazes me that you need and want to commune with us so much that you created a place within us that can only be satisfied by you in our lives.   Help us take this seriously and understand that your presence in us may be the only glimpse of your son, some people will ever see. Also, it’s very possible that from our mouth we could pray the only prayer some people will ever have prayed for them.  Lord, put a deep desire in our heart to make prayer and people a priority.   In Jesus’ name, amen.

God Bless



1 Comments on “Powerful Ways to Pray”

  1. This is such a truth, Sally! Praying for people is the second best thing you can do. This first is leading them to Jesus (and praying for that as well).

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